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Electrical Facility UEPA Permit Applications

Below are three examples of filings that were successfully permitted - a wind project, a transmission only project, and a geothermal project. These filings are available electronically and can provide insight into how to structure an application and the type of information and level of detail that an application should contain.

Gas, Water & Wastewater Facility UEPA Permit Applications

Below are four examples of filings that were successfully permitted - two water treatment projects, a water main transmission project and a gas transmission project. These filings are available electronically and can provide insight into how to structure an application and the type of information and level of detail that an application should contain. 

  • Docket No. 11-06022 - arsenic treatment facility, a 15,000 gallon backwash tank, 150 feet of 8-inch piping, and associated facilities.
  • Docket No. 11-06020 - arsenic treatment facility, a 25,000 gallon backwash tank, 150 feet of 8-inch piping, and associated facilities.
  • Docket No. 10-04013 - 3,175 feet of pipeline and related facilities.
  • Docket No. 12-01017 - 24 miles of natural gas pipeline and related facilities.