Organizational Chart

The PUCN is made up of two distinct groups. One group works on the side that acts as a decision maker, like a court. The other group participates as a party in proceedings before the decision-making side.

The side of the PUCN that issues decisions,Commission Policy/Administration, is made up of the Commissioners, Executive Director, Administration, General Counsel, Hearing Officers, and Policy Analysis.

The other side of the PUCN is the Regulatory Operations Staff (Staff) side. Staff appears and participates in cases before the Commission as an independent party, balancing the interests of ratepayers and utility shareholders to ensure safe and reliable service at a reasonable cost. Staff includes the Director of Regulatory Operations, Staff Counsel, Resource and Market Analysis, Financial Analysis, Engineering, Rail Safety, and Consumer Complaint Resolution.

  • Click here to view profiles of PUCN Commissioners, Director of Regulatory Operations, Executive Director, and Utilities Hearing Officer.
  • Click here to learn more about the function of each PUCN division listed in the organizational chart below.