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Call 811 Before You Dig

It's Free. It's Easy. It's the Law.

811 is a national number created by the Federal Communications Commission to help protect homeowners and contractors from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines while working on digging projects. 811 is a free service.

Hitting an underground utility line while digging can cause environmental damage, serious personal injury and can disrupt service to an entire neighborhood.

Call 811 if you damage or make contact with a buried utility line. Call the affected utility if you know which type of line you damaged. If you break a natural gas line, move to a safe location, call 911 and your natural gas utility. Never attempt to control the gas flow or make repairs to a gas line, or any utility line, if damage occurs.

    Homeowner Information & Violation of Nevada's Call Before You Dig Laws

    • Homeowner's Guide to Safe Digging in Nevada
      Learn the basics of safe digging with the PUCN's Homeowner's Guide to Safe Digging in Nevada. Learn special precautions you should take when digging, as well as typical locations for buried utilities on residential property.
    • How 811 Works
      To learn what happens when you call 811, visit the PUCN's How 811 Works web page.
    • Civil Penalties & Warning Letters Issued for Violation of Nevada’s Call Before You Dig Laws
      In January each year, the PUCN's Regulatory Operations Staff opens a docket that contains all warning letters filed throughout the year regarding violations of NRS 455 and NAC 455, Nevada's call before you dig laws. The docket is numbered XX-01006. For example, in 2013 the docket was numbered 13-01006; in 2014 it was 14-01006; and in 2015 it was 15-01006. Civil penalties that are issued for violation of Nevada's call before you dig law are given their own individual dockets. To view civil penalty cases and warning letters filed in the current year, visit the PUCN's Active Gas Dockets web page, scroll to the appropriate docket and click "view." To view previous year penalty cases and warning letter click the "Completed Gas Dockets" tab.
    • Gas Damages Per 1,000 Tickets
      Year One-Call Center Tickets One-Call Center Tickets (1,000s) Change from Prev. YR % Change from Prev. YR Number of Gas Damages Reported Gas Damages (10s) Change from Prev. YR % Change from Prev. YR Gas Damages per 1,000 Tickets
      2000 103,365 103     1472 147.2     14.24
      2001 107,785 108 4,420 4.28% 1389 138.9 -83 -5.64% 12.89
      2002 133,030 133 25,245 23.42% 1495 149.5 106 7.63% 11.24
      2003 161,360 161 28,330 21.30% 1333 133.3 -162 -10.84% 8.26
      2004 175,075 175 13,715 8.50% 1237 123.7 -96 -7.20% 7.07
      2005 199,630 200 24,555 14.03% 1200 120 -37 -2.99% 6.01
      2006 204,485 204 4,855 2.43% 1140 114 -60 -5.00% 5.57
      2007 171,550 172 -32,935 -16.11% 768 76.8 -372 -32.63% 4.48
      2008 121,815 122 -49,735 -28.99% 550 55 -218 -28.39% 4.52
      2009 72,250 72 -49,565 -40.69% 346 34.6 -204 -37.09% 4.79
      2010 67,460 67 -4,790 -6.63% 319 31.9 -27 -7.80% 4.73
      2011 69,010 69 1,550 2.30% 306 30.6 -13 -4.08% 4.43
      2012 74,246 74 5,236 7.59% 305 30.5 -1 -0.33% 4.11
      2013 75,531 76 1,285 1.73% 328 32.8 23 7.54% 4.34
      2014 82.965 83 7,434 9.84% 356 35.6 28 8.54% 4.29
      2015 105,143 105 22,178 26.73% 431 43.1 75 21.07% 4.10
      2016 114,101 114 8,958 8.52% 385 38.5 -46 -10.67% 3.37
      2017 129,991 130 15,890 13.93% 398 39.8 13 3.38% 3.06
      2018 138,910 139 8919 6.86% 431 43.1 33 8.29% 3.10
      2019 150,593 151 11,683 8.41% 341 34.1 -90 -20.88% 2.26
      2020 150,145 150 -448 0 341 34.1 0 0.00% 2.27
      2021 169,737 170 19,592 13.05% 365 36.5 24 7.04% 2.15
      2022 193,807 194 24,070 14.18% 337 33.7 -28 -7.67% 1.74
      2023 200,720 201 6,913 3.56% 307 30.7 -30 -8.90% 1.53
      2024 224,999 225 24,279 12.10% 347 34.7 40 13.02% 1.54