The Commission is comprised of three commissioners appointed by the Governor to four-year terms. The Governor designates one commissioner as chair.
In contested matters, rulemakings, and investigations, a commissioner is assigned to govern the proceedings to act as the presiding officer. The presiding officer, in contested cases, acts in a quasi-judicial manner by receiving and ruling on the admissibility of evidence and amendments to pleadings, acting upon any pending motions which do not involve a final determination of the proceeding, issuing appropriate interim orders, ruling on all procedural matters, setting timeframes for oral testimony and making findings of fact and conclusions of law for the full commission to approve. Witnesses are presented and are subject to cross-examination by the other parties, commissioners and commissioners’ advisors. Likewise, in rulemaking proceedings, the presiding officer receives public comment on proposed regulations.
All matters over which the Commission has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power must be approved by a quorum of commissioners during a public agenda meeting. Thus, during these meetings, the commissioners vote on regulatory operation staff (Staff) recommendations for resolution of matters which did not go to hearing, and vote on other recommendations presented by the presiding officer for final determination of matters in which hearings have been held. The commissioners also vote on various administrative, legislative, legal and policy issues in state and federal regulatory matters, including those before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.